Baseline Report on the Status of Gender-Based Violence in Isiolo County
Under: eliminating-gender-based-violence-against-indigenous-pastoralist-women-and-young-girls

This report presents the findings of a baseline survey conducted by Isiolo Gender Watch in 2023 on the status of gender-based violence (GBV) in Isiolo County, Kenya. The key findings include:<p class="ql ...

14 March, 2024

Amplifying Voices: How Radio Shahidi is Empowering Communities to End Gender-Based Violence in Isiolo County
Under: eliminating-gender-based-violence-against-indigenous-pastoralist-women-and-young-girls

As Isiolo Gender Watch, we have found that radio activism has been a powerful tool in our fight against gender-based violence (GBV) in Isiolo County, Kenya. By utilizing Radio Shahidi, we have created a platform that has raised awareness, educated ...

14 March, 2024

Gender-Based VIolence in Isiolo
Under: eliminating-gender-based-violence-against-indigenous-pastoralist-women-and-young-girls

Isiolo County in Kenya is predominantly inhabited by indigenous pastoralist communities where the treatment of women and girls, and their status in general, is mainly guided by traditional norms and practices. Women and gi ...

16 August, 2023

Eliminating Gender Based Violence Against Indigenous Pastroralist Women and Girls in Isiolo County
Under: eliminating-gender-based-violence-against-indigenous-pastoralist-women-and-young-girls

The elimination of gender-based violence (GBV) against pastoralist women and girls in Isiolo County, Kenya, is not just a moral imperative but a fundamental step towards achieving social justice and community progress. Isiolo's pastoralist communi ...

13 September, 2023

We are an organisation formed in 2013 with the aim of bringing forth the voice of a woman in decision making.

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